Bogdanich Farms began in 1935
when newlyweds Ante Bogdanic and Albina Zaninovic bought 2ha of swamp land in Gribble Road, Gwelup.
The land didn't require any irrigation, so the couple grew top quality celery, tomatoes, cauliflower and beans.
Their son Ronald (Ronnie) left school in 1950 to join the farm full time. Ronnie married Peggy in 1963. The family then bought land in Madeley in 1968 and expanded the farm to 8ha.
Ron and Peggy's son Andrew commenced full-time in the garden alongside Ron in 1983 followed by his brother Michael a few years later.
With demand increasing, the main production was moved in 1999 to West Gingin, about 100km north of Perth. Bogdanich Farms now operates across three sites with more than 220ha of land.